Sejak Sabah memperoleh
kemerdekaan pada 31hb Ogos
1963, Kuala Lumpur telah
memastikan supaya mana-mana
Ketua Manteri Sabah tidak akan
bertahan lama apabila mereka
tidak akur kepada kehendak
Kuala Lumpur;
1. Donald Stephen (Tun Fuad)
telah digulingkan dari jawatan
Ketua Menteri Sabah pertama
digantikan Datu Mustapha (Tun)
dengan penglibatan pemimpin
Kuala Lumpur (Syed Kechik
sebagai penasihat kepada Tun
Mustapha dikatakan telah
memainkan peranan penting
dalam hal ini). Ini kerana Donald
Stephen sebagai Ketua Menteri
Sabah pertama telah
mempertahankan Konsep Asal
Pembentukan Malaysia iaitu
‘rakan sama rata’. Tindakan
serupa juga dilakukan oleh Kuala
Lumpur untuk menggulingkan
Stephen Kalong Ningkan, Ketua
Menteri Sarawak pertama.
2. Keengganan Tun Datu
Mustapha, Ketua Menteri Sabah
untuk tunduk kepada kehendak
Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1975,
menyebabkan Kuala Lumpur
tidak selesa dan melihat tindak-
tanduk Tun Datu Mustapha
sebagai menggagalkan usaha
Kuala Lumpur untuk terus
menguasai Sabah. Keengganan
Tun Datu Mustapha untuk
menyerahkan kekuasaan minyak
petroleum Sabah kepada Kuala
Lumpur melalui Petronas, tidak
menyenangkan Kuala Lumpur.
Difahamkan bahawa Tun Datu
Mustapha menuntut supaya
Sabah mendapat 35% daripada
hasil minyak petroleum Sabah,
sedangkan Kuala Lumpur hanya
mahu memberi 5% kepada
Dengan fitnah bahawa kononnya
Tun Datu Mustapha sedang
merancang membawa keluar
Sabah dari Malaysia, Kuala
Lumpur menaja Parti BERJAYA
untuk menumbangkan USNO
dalam pilihan raya negeri pada
tahun 1976. Dalam pilihanraya
tersebut, USNO telah tumbang di
tangan BERJAYA.
3. Tun Fuad, Ketua Menteri di
bawah Kerajaan Berjaya pula
telah ditimpa nahas kapal
dalam penerbangan balik ke Kota
Kinabalu dari Labuan. Tun Fuad
tidak menandatangani perjanjian
penyerahan kuasa petroleum
kepada Petronas dalam
pertemuannya dengan
rombongan Kuala Lumpur di
Labuan kerana, baginya perkara
itu harus dibawa dalam
mesyuarat kabinet dahulu. Datuk
Haris Salleh, Ketua Menteri Sabah
yang telah menggantikan Tun
Fuad Stephen telah mendapat
sokongan sepenuhnya oleh Kuala
Lumpur dengan kenyataan
Mahathir, “berenang dan
tenggalam bersama Berjaya”.
Datuk Haris Salleh telah
menandatangani penyerahan
kekuasan petroleum Sabah
kepada Kuala Lumpur melalui
Petronas, pada 14hb Jun 1976,
iaitu 8 hari selepas nahas kapal
terbang yang meragut nyawa
Fuad dan rakan-rakannya,tanpa
dibawa dalam perbincangan
kabinet menterinya.
4. Apabila Kerajaan Berjaya
ditumbangkan PBS dalam pilihan
raya 1985, Datuk Joseph Pairin
(Tan Sri) tidak mendapat
sokongan sepenuhnya oleh Kuala
Lumpur kerana perjuangan PBS
pimpinan Datuk Joseph Pairin
Kitingan (Tan Sri) pada ketika itu
dilhat mencabar kepimpinan
Persekutuan dengan mengungkit
hal berkaitan dengan Perkara 20
dan Perjanjian Malaysia yang di
perkenalkan oleh Datuk Dr
Jeffrey dalam perjuangan PBS.
Sejak UMNO menguasai kerajaan
negeri, Ketua Menterinya amat
selesa kerana tidak lagi diganggu
Kuala Lumpur. Ini kerana
Kerajaan Negeri Sabah di bawah
pimpinannya sentiasa tunduk
kepada Kuala Lumpur
termasuklah menyerahkan
beratus ribu ekar tanah Sabah
kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan
dan syarikat-syarikat gergasi
Malaya dan bekerjasama
memberi kerakyatan kepada
pendatang tanpa izin demi
kepentingan politik mereka.
Ini semua tidak disedari oleh
orang asal Sabah selama ini dan
saling menyalahkan sesama
sendiri tanpa mengambil usaha
memahami 'tangan-tangan
dari Malaya yang telah
memainkan peranan.
**copy from Myzone
Bansai Subun
Monday, 25 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Syarat perjanjian Sarawak/Sabah perlu dikaji semula
KUCHING: Perjanjian antara
Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak dan
Singapura dalam mewujudkan
negara Malaysia yang mengan-
dungi Syarat 18/20 untuk
Sarawak/Sabah perlu dikaji
semula demi menjaga
kepentingan rakyat kedua-dua
negeri (Sarawak dan Sabah).
Pada 1961, empat negeri telah
duduk semeja berun-ding untuk
menubuhkan Malaysia dan
beberapa syarat telah diterima
oleh Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak dan
Singapura sebagai asas
penubuhan serta penggabungan
negeri-negeri terbabit.
Aktivis Sosial Wan Zain Syed
Mohdzar berkata, Malaysia yang
telah memilih untuk terus
bergabung dengan Malaya atas
18/20 terma dan syarat yang
digariskan dalam perjanjian
“Justeru, apa yang menjadi isu
ketika ini ialah apakah terma
dan syarat dalam perjanjian itu
boleh dikuatkuasakan oleh
Sarawak dan Sabah dalam
menuntut hak mereka sebagai
negeri yang berga-bung dengan
Malaya,” katanya di sini
Menurutnya, terma dan syarat
perjanjian terbabit hanya tinggal
satu perjanjian yang boleh
diketepikan oleh kerajaan
persekutuan tanpa mengambil
berat aspirasi terma dan syarat
penggabungan mewujudkan
Oleh yang demikian kata beliau,
rakyat Sarawak dan Sabah
berpendapat agar terma dan
syarat itu dibuat secara rasmi
sebagai sebahagian daripada
Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan
memberi perlindungan serta
jaminan hak rakyat Sarawak/
“Kalau tidak rakyat Sara-wak
dan Sabah tetap ketinggalan
dalam semua hal.
“Kita wajib menuntut
kesamarataan peluang dalam
pendidikan, niaga, kerja dan
“Anak peribumi Sarawak dan
Sabah ramai yang ke-tinggalan
dan sesetengah mereka tidak
diberi peluang untuk terus maju
dalam merealisasikan
penggabungan itu membawa
erti kepada rakyat Sarawak dan
Sabah,” katanya.
Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak dan
Singapura dalam mewujudkan
negara Malaysia yang mengan-
dungi Syarat 18/20 untuk
Sarawak/Sabah perlu dikaji
semula demi menjaga
kepentingan rakyat kedua-dua
negeri (Sarawak dan Sabah).
Pada 1961, empat negeri telah
duduk semeja berun-ding untuk
menubuhkan Malaysia dan
beberapa syarat telah diterima
oleh Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak dan
Singapura sebagai asas
penubuhan serta penggabungan
negeri-negeri terbabit.
Aktivis Sosial Wan Zain Syed
Mohdzar berkata, Malaysia yang
telah memilih untuk terus
bergabung dengan Malaya atas
18/20 terma dan syarat yang
digariskan dalam perjanjian
“Justeru, apa yang menjadi isu
ketika ini ialah apakah terma
dan syarat dalam perjanjian itu
boleh dikuatkuasakan oleh
Sarawak dan Sabah dalam
menuntut hak mereka sebagai
negeri yang berga-bung dengan
Malaya,” katanya di sini
Menurutnya, terma dan syarat
perjanjian terbabit hanya tinggal
satu perjanjian yang boleh
diketepikan oleh kerajaan
persekutuan tanpa mengambil
berat aspirasi terma dan syarat
penggabungan mewujudkan
Oleh yang demikian kata beliau,
rakyat Sarawak dan Sabah
berpendapat agar terma dan
syarat itu dibuat secara rasmi
sebagai sebahagian daripada
Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan
memberi perlindungan serta
jaminan hak rakyat Sarawak/
“Kalau tidak rakyat Sara-wak
dan Sabah tetap ketinggalan
dalam semua hal.
“Kita wajib menuntut
kesamarataan peluang dalam
pendidikan, niaga, kerja dan
“Anak peribumi Sarawak dan
Sabah ramai yang ke-tinggalan
dan sesetengah mereka tidak
diberi peluang untuk terus maju
dalam merealisasikan
penggabungan itu membawa
erti kepada rakyat Sarawak dan
Sabah,” katanya.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
‘It’s Malaysia only in name’
A few weeks ago I was
having dinner with a group
of professionals, including a
Malay lawyer in Bangsar and
I asked them if they knew of
the various political
developments in Sabah.
They knew almost nothing.
The lawyer said he had
never heard about
opposition STAR (State
Reform Party) or its clarion
call ‘Ini Kali lah’, which
incidentally is now rolling
off every child and adult
tongue in Sabah.
Obviously, their knowledge
about political
developments is limited to
just West Malaysia. I can’t
really blame them.
Here, I was only two and a
half hours away from my
home but I was completely
cut off from any news or
developments in Sabah.
This got me asking many
questions about my
Take for instance TV3′s
Malaysia Hari’s
programme aired every
working day. It rarely, if
ever, refers to any Sabah or
Sarawak paper.
Going to the newspapers
sold in the streets of Kuala
Lumpur wouldn’t do any
good either, as all the
newspapers cover only
peninsular news – even the
pro-opposition ones!
Why are national news so
peninsula Malaysia-centric?
Why are Sabah and Sarawak
still considered the
nation’s backwaters half a
century after the formation
of the federation?
It can’t be that our
national leaders, including
those from Sabah and
Sarawak, think that the two
states are not important.
No excuse for exclusion
I believe it is just a case of
old habits being
perpetuated without the
leaders and establishment
being fully aware of it.
Which means even if
Pakatan Rakyat wins the
next elections, the situation
in in media news coverage
in Malaysia won’t change.
It will still be done the same
way – national news is only
what comes out of
Peninsula Malaysia!
News from Sabah and
Sarawak – well, it will just
be an appendage.
The powers-that-be in
Peninsula Malaysia seem to
believe this ‘system’ to
be a natural order of
things.So they continue to
treat the peninsula as the
‘real’ Malaysia and Sabah
and Sarawak as appendages
of the nation.
They believe that news from
these two states are not
really important enough for
the people of West Malaysia
– unless it is news about a
shocking development.
In this age of instantaneous
electronic transfers, the
distance of Sabah and
Sarawak from KL is no
longer an excuse for the
exclusion of news from
these states.
But the imbalance continue
to persist.
At times when our
newspapers are quoted, the
news selected are social
news and not political news,
as if even pro-Barisan
Nasional political reports
from Sabah are taboo, or
too sensitive, for general
family viewing.
Is it because the news from
Sabah and Sarawak is too
sensitive and damaging to
politicos here?
Ignorance plaguing West
This malaise has been one of
the causes of the severe
limitations in social
interactions between
Malaysians in the Peninsula
and Malaysians in Borneo.
It makes us wonder why
this problem hasn’t been
addressed under the
National Integration and
National Unity programs.
The federal government
should realize that this
arrangement, this disparity
or imbalance of news is to
the serious disadvantages of
the people in West Malaysia.
Sabahans know a lot about
West Malaysia, while the
people of the peninsula
know very little about Sabah
and Sarawak!
So how is this imbalance,
this discrimination against
Borneo news, beneficial to
the West Malaysians?
If it’s true that knowledge
is power, then the West
Malaysians are the weaker
partner in the whole
arrangement while we are
the superior ones!
To prove this, just go to KL
and engage some
‘educated’ people in a
discussion on the matter
and you will realize how
ignorant they are about the
real Malaysia.
Many West Malaysians say
quite proudly that they have
never visited Sabah as if it is
an achievement to be
arrogant about!
I normally take such an
opportunity to educate
them on a thing or two
about Sabah.
Because of the gap in news
coverage in the country,
Malaysia is skewed
Something must be done
about this disparity or
discrepancy, especially
under the National
Transformation Program.
For the sake of 1Malaysia,
Sabah and Sarawak should
be given the same national
news stature and on a daily
having dinner with a group
of professionals, including a
Malay lawyer in Bangsar and
I asked them if they knew of
the various political
developments in Sabah.
They knew almost nothing.
The lawyer said he had
never heard about
opposition STAR (State
Reform Party) or its clarion
call ‘Ini Kali lah’, which
incidentally is now rolling
off every child and adult
tongue in Sabah.
Obviously, their knowledge
about political
developments is limited to
just West Malaysia. I can’t
really blame them.
Here, I was only two and a
half hours away from my
home but I was completely
cut off from any news or
developments in Sabah.
This got me asking many
questions about my
Take for instance TV3′s
Malaysia Hari’s
programme aired every
working day. It rarely, if
ever, refers to any Sabah or
Sarawak paper.
Going to the newspapers
sold in the streets of Kuala
Lumpur wouldn’t do any
good either, as all the
newspapers cover only
peninsular news – even the
pro-opposition ones!
Why are national news so
peninsula Malaysia-centric?
Why are Sabah and Sarawak
still considered the
nation’s backwaters half a
century after the formation
of the federation?
It can’t be that our
national leaders, including
those from Sabah and
Sarawak, think that the two
states are not important.
No excuse for exclusion
I believe it is just a case of
old habits being
perpetuated without the
leaders and establishment
being fully aware of it.
Which means even if
Pakatan Rakyat wins the
next elections, the situation
in in media news coverage
in Malaysia won’t change.
It will still be done the same
way – national news is only
what comes out of
Peninsula Malaysia!
News from Sabah and
Sarawak – well, it will just
be an appendage.
The powers-that-be in
Peninsula Malaysia seem to
believe this ‘system’ to
be a natural order of
things.So they continue to
treat the peninsula as the
‘real’ Malaysia and Sabah
and Sarawak as appendages
of the nation.
They believe that news from
these two states are not
really important enough for
the people of West Malaysia
– unless it is news about a
shocking development.
In this age of instantaneous
electronic transfers, the
distance of Sabah and
Sarawak from KL is no
longer an excuse for the
exclusion of news from
these states.
But the imbalance continue
to persist.
At times when our
newspapers are quoted, the
news selected are social
news and not political news,
as if even pro-Barisan
Nasional political reports
from Sabah are taboo, or
too sensitive, for general
family viewing.
Is it because the news from
Sabah and Sarawak is too
sensitive and damaging to
politicos here?
Ignorance plaguing West
This malaise has been one of
the causes of the severe
limitations in social
interactions between
Malaysians in the Peninsula
and Malaysians in Borneo.
It makes us wonder why
this problem hasn’t been
addressed under the
National Integration and
National Unity programs.
The federal government
should realize that this
arrangement, this disparity
or imbalance of news is to
the serious disadvantages of
the people in West Malaysia.
Sabahans know a lot about
West Malaysia, while the
people of the peninsula
know very little about Sabah
and Sarawak!
So how is this imbalance,
this discrimination against
Borneo news, beneficial to
the West Malaysians?
If it’s true that knowledge
is power, then the West
Malaysians are the weaker
partner in the whole
arrangement while we are
the superior ones!
To prove this, just go to KL
and engage some
‘educated’ people in a
discussion on the matter
and you will realize how
ignorant they are about the
real Malaysia.
Many West Malaysians say
quite proudly that they have
never visited Sabah as if it is
an achievement to be
arrogant about!
I normally take such an
opportunity to educate
them on a thing or two
about Sabah.
Because of the gap in news
coverage in the country,
Malaysia is skewed
Something must be done
about this disparity or
discrepancy, especially
under the National
Transformation Program.
For the sake of 1Malaysia,
Sabah and Sarawak should
be given the same national
news stature and on a daily
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
20 Points an agreement, says lawyer
practicing lawyer Yunof
Maringking said he totally
disagrees with the statement
made by former Sabah Archives
director Datuk Datu Tigabelas
Datu Zainal Abidin that the
“Twenty Points” document
was just a memorandum of
conditions and not an actual
Yunof said it is everybody’s
knowledge that the 20 Points is
the basis for then North Borneo,
now known as Sabah, to join
together with Sarawak and
Singapore to make the
formation of Malaysia
materialize on July 9, 1963.
“To say that it is not an
agreement is misguided and
misleading. Without the 20
Points being accepted, the North
Borneo government would not
have signed the Malaysia
Agreement on the 9th of July
1963,” he said.
Yunof said there is no question
that the 20 Points has indeed
been incorporated in the Federal
However, he claimed that the
Federal Government has ignored
the spirit of the 20 Points even
though it has been incorporated
in the Federal Constitution.
“To say the 20 points
promote British interestd is
nothing more than childish talk,
“ he asserted.
practicing lawyer Yunof
Maringking said he totally
disagrees with the statement
made by former Sabah Archives
director Datuk Datu Tigabelas
Datu Zainal Abidin that the
“Twenty Points” document
was just a memorandum of
conditions and not an actual
Yunof said it is everybody’s
knowledge that the 20 Points is
the basis for then North Borneo,
now known as Sabah, to join
together with Sarawak and
Singapore to make the
formation of Malaysia
materialize on July 9, 1963.
“To say that it is not an
agreement is misguided and
misleading. Without the 20
Points being accepted, the North
Borneo government would not
have signed the Malaysia
Agreement on the 9th of July
1963,” he said.
Yunof said there is no question
that the 20 Points has indeed
been incorporated in the Federal
However, he claimed that the
Federal Government has ignored
the spirit of the 20 Points even
though it has been incorporated
in the Federal Constitution.
“To say the 20 points
promote British interestd is
nothing more than childish talk,
“ he asserted.
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